Does anyone remember this show? The baby always wanted "the momma" despite the dad's best efforts. I mentioned in my previous post that things have changed. Among those things....I am now a momma. My girl is 3 months old. 3 months old TODAY in fact. Yesterday, she very much had a "not the momma" day. She was either asleep, eating or crying for the bulk of the day. I can't blame her, the poor thing is enduring this current growth spurt like a champ. When she was alert, she only wanted me and I whole heartedly obliged. Adam, try as he may, could not console her. He's a great dad. GREAT! But, she just wanted me, and selfishly, I absolutely loved it.
I tried to take some "3 Month" pictures of her yesterday. I didn't get what I envisioned. She wasn't in the mood. But, I thought these were kind of funny and cute (obviously.)...

She was completely fixated by something on the ground...

She thought for a minute...

Then, gave it her best "duck face"...

Being so cute got her feeling tired, so she had to lay down...

Then she said, "Momma, enough already or I will punch you." As you can imagine, I was pretty scared...so we stopped.
The take away: These pictures are not what I had in mind. But, they still make me smile. And there's always tomorrow to take pictures. Ending the "photo session" allowed for what M needed... more cuddle time. It's what I needed too.
The second photo looks.exactly.like.Laurel. Just like her!
I have been saying she looks like Laurel since day 1. My mom says no. But every once in awhile someone will see it my way! haha